In order to be considered for an adoption you must:
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Text/Pager Email
Applicant Age*
Name of cat(s) interested in: Choose an animal: Hueneme Beach (Mia) Merryweather Prince Philip Sweet-tart Toothless
Name of spouse, significant other, roommate(s), and/or children (please list all residents and their ages):*
Place of Employment:*
Are you or your spouse or significant other in the military?* Choose one: Self Spouse Significant Other Neither
This cat will be* Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Mostly Inside Mostly Outside
What traits are you looking for in a pet
Is this animal a gift for someone?* Choose one: Yes No
Who is the cat a gift for?*
Why are you interested in adopting a pet at this time*
How did you hear about us*
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own
In what type of home do you live* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
How long have you lived at your current address?*
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal* Choose one: Yes No NA
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number*
• Have you or any member of your household ever experienced allergies or asthma?*
Do you have a balcony?* Choose one: Yes No NA
Will the cat be allowed on the balcony*
Do you have a pet door?* Choose one: Yes No
Where does the pet door go?*
Do you have unscreened windows?* Choose one: Yes No
Will the cat be allowed access to the entire house or only part of the house? Which part and why?*
Do you have coyotes in your neighborhood* Choose one: Yes No
What predators do you have in your neighborhood?*
• Do you object to our organization doing a home check before placing the cat(s) with you?* Choose one: Yes No
Have you ever had cats?* Choose one: Yes No
How many cats do you have now?* Choose one: None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If you have a cat(s), what are their ages?*
Where will the litter box be kept?*
Have you ever given up a pet? If yes, please explain*
How many dogs do you have now?* Choose one: None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If you have a dog(s), what are their ages?*
What are the breeds of dogs you now have?*
Will the cats interact with the dogs?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you keep identification on your pets at all times?* Choose one: Yes No
Where will the animal sleep*
Have your pets had any serious illnesses? Describe.*
Veterinarian's Name and Phone Number*
For cats only: Are you planning to declaw either traditional or laser?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, why and what is your understanding of the surgical procedure?*
What will you do if future medical treatment for the cat is over $500?*
Are your other pets spayed / neutered?* Choose one: Yes No
Are they up to date with vaccinations?* Choose one: Yes No
What will you do with the cat when you go on vacation?*
What will you do if the cat becomes destructive in the house?*
What will you do with the cat if something happens to you where you will no longer be able to care for the cat?*
What will you do with the cat if you must move to a place that doesn’t allow pets?*
How much time will you be spending at home with your cat?*
Who will be responsible for the daily care and maintenance of your cat?*
Under what circumstances would you NOT keep the cat? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Have you applied with any other rescue* Choose one: Yes No
I am aware that the potential commitment of time, patience and expense needed for a cat can span 20 years or more. I understand that cats need affection, attention and understanding and that they can get sick and require expensive medical treatment. I understand that I may need to adjust my lifestyle to accommodate my new pet. I am ready to make that commitment. Please enter your initials*
May we send you newsletters and invitations to events related to Cats Cradle Rescue?
I certify that the information entered on this applicant is true. Enter your name and date*